Upper Delaware river insects, insect identification for fly fishing mayflies.


Insect Identification

Dr. Boris Kondratieff
Jerry Hadden
Jim Burnett
David Stephan


Jerry Hadden Jr.
Doug Hall


The Mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois
B. D. Burks 1953

The Genus Brachycentrus in North America
with Proposed Phylogeny of the Gerera of Brachycentridae (Trichoptera)
Oliver S. Flint Jr.

Revision of the Caddisfly Genus Psilotreta
Parker and Wiggins 1987

Aquatic Entomology
W. Patrick McCafferty 1998

The Insects and Arachnids of Canada Part 7
Genera Trichoptera of Canada and the Ajoining United States
F. Schmid 1998

Interior Highlands Trichoptera
Momoirs of the American Entomological Institue 56
Moulton and Johnson 1996